a blog. my blog, in fact.

periodic blogging without regret?

i have obviously not posted in some time. i have been wondering if the blog thing is simply out of my system or if i should just try and embrace blogging periodically without regret. this train of thought has led me to contemplate why i feel the need to post so frequently in the first…

iridescent watercolor update

i finally did something with the mica watercolor palette the other day. i found some black mixed media paper, ironically heavier weight than my watercolor paper, which was quite nice. i grabbed it and decided it would be perfect for the arteza watercolors i made. I found this at my local craft store and decided…

smart art: markers

i wrote a few weeks ago about my new smart art subscription box and how much fun i was having. i have even roped [child_1] and [child_2] into the experience… kicking and screaming i might add. but once they finished their projects they were very pleased with what they had accomplished. tangent: i don’t understand…


almost a year ago i started watching hanabira. it was always accompanied by a calm feeling as well as delight. i love that feeling and i try to seek it out but it is not often that i am able to find it. genuine delight is apparently elusive. however, i have found it again while…

matroshinki matreshinky motryshineka… nesting dolls.

matryoshka dolls are really quite fun even if it is impossible to spell. [child_1] and [child_2] watch a lot of youtube. i also watch a lot of youtube. this means that we have one thing in common. we watched a lot of moriah elizabeth and set out to do some of the projects in the…

smart art subscription box

i really missed making art. on a whim i decided on the smart art subscription boxes. it was one of those things i didn’t think about and ordered it before my brain could stop me. i knew if i thought about it too much i would stop myself or asshat mcassface (my internal editor) would…

watercolor paints

i have wanted to get the arteza set of mica powders for a while now. i always see these youtube persons laden with piles of free merchandise and i have several “feelings” about this but generally try and pay attention to whether they are still using the products a few months later… if they are…

the shakey experiments continue

i decided that i really needed to try the mold free shaker charm again. it was really bothering me that i couldn’t seem to make the damn things work. i knew that it could work, again, because i had seen it done in multiple videos. one thing that really made the difference was using clay…

cousin derp and pickle tribute

i think it must have been two or three years ago when i got a set of stickers from wish of a small green dinosaur named star moly… or at least that is the name on the package. i have no idea who they belong to, what company makes them or if that is the…

moriah elizabeth

as i mentioned i have discovered moriah elizabeth. i was watching a video on plushie makeovers from nerdecrafter and she mentioned it was done in collaboration with moriah elizabeth and so i thought okay… click. from that point i spent about four weeks catching up on at least five years of video although it goes…


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3d printing amazon among us amymade arteza ayesha sha sha chronic pain clay coping crafting diy models dyi models etsy felting fiber funshowcase ghibli hanabira iraville jewelry judy martin kawaii lightfast maqaroon markers miniatures moriah elizabeth nelco neco padico painting pebeo pigment resin sandrartes sewing shopping shrink plastic slime rancher smartart snap jewelry shop squishy watercolor wish woolery youtube

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